Luna, our new Australian Shepherd puppy, has been coming with me to make deliveries at various retailers around town. She usually waits in the car, since her exuberance can be a bit much for some, but she has gone in to a couple places.
So be on the lookout for Luna, the Wonder Dog. She’s going on 8 months old and growing into those big paws. 🙂 She’s a real sweetheart and making lots of new friends. Only wish we could capture some of her boundless energy!

Need to order more cards. Wld like to try the smaller note cards. Including that purple sunset one, Donna, could you please put a set of 10 or 12 together for me? I prefer scenery and buildings to people. Let me know cost and your address again, and will promptly send check. Im a native of SB and miss it very much. Thanks, Donna.