The Babies!

June literally flew by. With family coming to stay on the 2nd and flying out on the 30th, there was a LOT of activity around here. And if having three kids plus another adult or two wasn’t enough, we got a new PUPPY on the 26th. Our days have been very full. I just had to share this photo of ‘The Babies’ taken shortly before the kids left. The puppy is an Australian Shepherd, and we named her Luna. Yes, we’re over the moon about both babies!

I’ve been trying to catch up some since the beginning of July, but puppy watch is time consuming. She wants to chew on EVERYTHING! We’re doing the training and trying to get signed up for puppy classes, which all seem to be full… isn’t this puppy season??

Anyway, I’ve sent a couple of new cards to the printer and they should be arriving next week. I’m anxious to share them with you! One is of the explosion of wildflowers on Figueroa Mountain in the Santa Ynez Valley and the other I shot of an amazing sunset at Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara. I will be posting them soon and adding them to the store. I’ll also offer them to retailers that carry our individual cards.


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